This course looks at and discusses art in a variety of public art galleries, exhibition spaces, commercial galleries and museums around London. The course focusses  on Contemporary art; however, sessions sometimes explore art from earlier periods and movements within the 20th century.  Each week you will visit a different exhibition exploring themes, ideas, artists and fine art practices - such as painting, sculpture, drawing, installation, photography and film - predominantly  as temporary exhibitions and sometimes permanent collections.  Sessions may include short talks on the artist/ works and themes by curators as well as tutor facilitated group discussion. By the end of the course you will:

  • Be better equipped and skilled at analysing and 'interpreting' contemporary art
  • Have built knowledge of the contemporary art scene in London
  • Keep in touch with contemporary trends and emerging artists
  • Be able to dentify various contemporary and 20th century art styles and movements 
  • Have built confidence in talking about art
  • Enjoy art in public places within a supportive and friendly group environment
  • Develop own personal taste and appreciation of art
The course starts and ends at the Mary Ward Centre for an induction and preview of the visits and then a review at the end of the course to consider the key themes explored.